Class Descriptions, FAQ, Scheduling
Ready to sign up for classes or book a field rental? Click here! After reading the descriptions below, please email me if you’d like to schedule a private lesson or have any questions.
Fun Pup Dog Sports offers small group classes and private lessons. Classes are taught at an outdoor agility field from April to October, and indoor classes are offered over the winter in Greeley. Below are class descriptions, prerequisites, and frequently asked questions.
Field rentals are available year-round (weather permitting) for experienced dogs and handlers. Fun Pup is off Hwy 14 (E Mulberry St in Fort Collins), about 8 minutes east of I-25. The exact address will be provided with enrollment confirmation.
Class Descriptions
All classes are six weeks long and have a maximum of six people and dogs.
Agility Foundations
Interested in trying out the sport of agility with your dog? This class will provide you with an introduction to the basics of this fun sport, including pre-agility skills, voluntary attention, solid stays and release cues, and ways to enhance your dog’s fitness and confidence. We will also work on focus and engagement around distractions, as well as effective cues and proper timing/placement of rewards. This class has no minimum age, but it should not be your dog’s first group class. Prerequisite: Completed at least a Level 2 (non-agility) class with Summit Dog Training (or equivalent) or Instructor Approval. For more information, please email me.
Agility Level 1 (Beginner)
If you have completed Agility Foundations, or have previous training experience in agility, this class is the next step in a new agility dog’s training journey! You and your dog will learn basic jumping skills, be introduced to several of the agility obstacles including jumps, tunnels, table and the contact board, and work on training exercises and handling skills that will get you off to the best possible start in the sport of agility. Prerequisite: Completed Agility Foundations or Instructor Approval
Agility Level 2 (Contacts and Weaves)
You and your dog will be introduced to the A-frame, dog-walk, teeter, and weave poles, along with short sequences where you can practice and advance your handling skills. Dogs will learn obstacle commitment and good jumping technique, and begin to work off-leash when appropriate. Prerequisite: Completed Agility Level 1 or Instructor Approval
Agility Level 3 (Sequencing and Handling)
In this class, you’ll be putting together all the handling skills you’ve learned in Levels 1 and 2 such as front/rear/blind crosses, wraps, and backsides, and begin incorporating those into longer, 8-10 obstacle sequences which will also include contacts and weaves. Dogs do not have to have “finished” weave poles to take this class, but one objective of this class is to teach dogs to reliably weave 12 poles before moving on to Level 4. Your dog will need to be able to work off-leash, although will not be running sequences while other dogs are off-leash. This class is often taken more than once. Prerequisite: Completed Agility Level 2 or Instructor Approval
Agility Level 4 (Pre-Competition/Novice Agility)
This class is for students preparing to compete with their dog, or for those who are trialing at the Novice level or above. You will continue to work on handling skills and run longer sequences or Novice-level courses, breaking them into shorter sequences to fine-tune skills. Dogs must be able to weave 12 in-line poles to take this class. Prerequisite: Completed Agility Level 3 or Instructor Approval
Agility Level 5 (Intermediate/Advanced Agility)
In this class, the focus is on advanced handling skills and challenges that you will see in advanced-level and international-style courses. This class is for students competing at the Open/Advanced level and up. Prerequisite: Completed Agility Level 4 or Instructor Approval
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions after reviewing the below, please contact
Can I rent your field for agility?
You can sign up here for field rental if you are a Fun Pup student or have contacted me first via email. I welcome experienced agility students from other locations to rent my field to practice with their dogs in a new environment on different equipment.
Where are you located?
Northeast Fort Collins. The exact address will be provided with registration. My outdoor field is about 8 minutes east of I-25 and Hwy 14 (Mulberry).
How can I sign up for group classes or private lessons?
I publish my class schedule and information about registering for each session on my Facebook page and by email to current students about a month before each session starts. A week after registration opens for current students, I open up the remaining spots to all others. I post a link to register on Facebook, and registration links go live via the scheduling page on my website.
Are there prerequisites?
Prerequisites for each class can be found in the class descriptions above.
What kind of dogs can do agility?
There is no one breed or type of dog that is best-suited for agility. We look for dogs that like to work with us and chase us around the agility field. Any dog can do agility as long as they are structurally sound. Mixed breed dogs can compete in all venues, although mixes are not allowed to compete in AKC agility if they are still intact.
Does my dog need to be vaccinated?
To attend group classes, dogs must be vaccinated for Rabies, DHPP, and Bordetella. It is recommended that they also be vaccinated for Lepto and K9 Influenza. I accept titers for everything except Rabies, which is required by law.
Can my intact or in-heat dog participate?
Yes, intact dogs, as well as bitches-in-heat (BIH), can participate in class. For girl dogs in season, I ask that you bring them in panties. Since most agility organizations allow BIH to compete, most training facilities (including Fun Pup) welcome them in class.
What skills does my dog need for agility?
Here is a document with a list of skills I recommend for dogs as they get started in agility class. The prerequisite for Agility Foundations is a non-agility Level 2 class with someplace like Summit Dog Training or the equivalent.
What is your weather policy?
Outdoor classes are held as long as the conditions are conducive to dog and human students’ safety and productive learning. I may cancel class for rain, extreme temperatures (cold or hot), unsafe road conditions, snow, and other weather-related reasons. Classes canceled due to weather will be rescheduled at the most convenient time for most students in the class.
What is your refund policy?
If you must cancel or reschedule your group class enrollment, you must contact me (via email) a minimum of 7 days before the start date of your class so that I can offer your spot to other clients waiting to schedule with me. There is no charge for reschedules made more than 7 days in advance. For cancellations made more than 7 days in advance, refunds will be issued minus a 4% processing fee.
There are no refunds (or class credit) given for cancellations made within 7 days of the start of your class UNLESS there is a waiting list for the class, and I can fill your spot with another student.
No refunds (or class credit) are given for cancellations made after the class has started. If, after the class has begun, your instructor feels that a different service would be more suitable to what you and your dog need, the prorated balance of your tuition may be applied to the tuition of that other service. Tuition transfers are granted at the instructor’s discretion only. Personal decisions not to continue to attend a class will not be awarded a credit for another service.
There are no refunds for portions of group classes missed due to personal scheduling conflicts or not attending for other reasons.
What do I need to bring to class?
- Your dog in a flat-buckle collar (or harness) and on a six-foot leash
- Plenty of small, non-crumbly treats
- A treat pouch that can be securely closed to prevent spillage
- Your dog’s favorite (tug) toy
- A target (small plastic lid) and a dish
- Water and water bowl
- Poop bags
- A mat for stationing
How many dogs are in a class?
I allow a maximum of six people and dogs in each class.
Katherine with FlapJack and Soda
I’ve been doing agility for 25 years, and I get something from every class I take with Melissa. She gives a lot of thought to handling options based on the dog and handler teams, and there are times where I think, “Ah, of course!” when she recommends a handling option to me.